Hiranyakasipu And Bhkat Prahlad
The demoniac King Hiranyakasipu wanted to be unconquerable and Free from old age and dwindling of the body. He wanted to gain all the Yogic perfections, to be deathless, and to be the only king of the entire Universe, including Brahmaloka. In the valley of Mandara Hill, Hiraianyakasipu began performing his austerities by standing with his toes on the ground, keeping his arms upward and looking toward the sky. This position was extremely difficult, but he accepted it as a means to attain perfection. From the hair on Hiranyakasipu's head there emanated an effulgent light as brilliant and intolerable as the rays of the sun at the time of dissolution. Because of Hiranyakasipu's severe austerities, fire came from his head, and this fire and its smoke spread throughout the sky, encompassing the upper and lower planets, which all became extremely hot. Because of the power of his severe austerities, all the rivers and ...